Ep. 158 Isaac Saul: From Political Reporter to Tangle News


Isaac Saul grew up in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, one of America's most politically divided counties. After spending years as a political reporter, Isaac wanted to fix how people consume political news.

Isaac came up with the idea for Tangle, an independent, ad-free, non-partisan politics newsletter that offers both sides of the biggest news stories. Tangle has been recognized by The New York Times, Forbes and many others as one of the most successful political newsletters.

In this episode of Flip Your Script with Kristi Piehl, Isaac shares how the Tangle newsletter has evolved into what it is today, advice for having conversations about politics and his thoughts on the upcoming election.


Next time you meet someone who has a different opinion than you, ask them three questions before you answer.


Tangle News Website, Youtube, LinkedIn and X (Twitter)

Isaac Saul’s LinkedIn and X (Twitter)


Wisdom begins when you discover the difference between ‘That doesn’t make sense’ and ‘I don’t understand.’
— Mary Doria Russell

Ep. 157 Beth Rodden: From Climber to Survivor