Ep. 129 Jenny Smith: From Gymnastics Injury to Living the Impossible


When Jenny Smith was 16 years old she was practicing gymnastics in the grass; one slip ended with a life-altering spinal cord injury that left her paralyzed from the chest down.

Despite being faced with a new life she could've never imagined, Jenny leaned on her support system and never gave up. She now educates the public and advocates for people with spinal cord injuries, distributes wheelchairs internationally and returned to sports as a quadriplegic. Her wheelchair has taken her all over the world, from Mexico to Afghanistan and even down the runway at New York Fashion Week. 

In 2021, Jenny published a heartfelt and hope-filled memoir about her struggles, victories and adventures in her everyday life and the people who have impacted her, titled Live the Impossible: How a Wheelchair Has Taken Me Places I Never Dared to Imagine

In this episode of Flip Your Script with Kristi Piehl, Jenny tells her story of living with a spinal cord injury and the importance of getting out of your comfort zone. Jenny shares her message that we are capable of living the impossible even if life doesn’t go as planned.


What part of your life has an opportunity to be reframed?


Jenny Smith’s Website, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and Youtube

Live the Impossible: How a Wheelchair Has Taken Me Places I Never Dared to Imagine on Amazon


We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.
— Charles Swindoll

Ep. 130 Nadia Liu Spellman: From Mom’s Kitchen to Dumpling Daughter


Ep. 128 Debra Vines: From Mother of an Autistic Child to Advocate & CNN Hero