Listening to Podcasts
As we were preparing to launch Flip Your Script, I was shocked by the number of people who told me they’ve never listened to a podcast and didn’t know how to find them. In fact, the first podcast one of our guests listened to is the episode featuring their story!
Statistics show about 50% of Americans over the age of 12 have listened to podcasts in the last month, but that means half of people still haven’t ventured into the wonderful world of podcasts, which includes some of my friends and family members. These people don’t know what they’re missing!
Podcasts are essentially on-demand radio shows. Since the content is online, you can listen whenever and wherever you want. You can listen to episodes on a website or on your phone. The content of each podcast is all over the map, and there really is something for everyone. My favorite podcasts range from untold historical stories (My Favorite Murder) to interviews with entrepreneurs (How I Built This) to deep dives into celebrities (Dolly Parton’s America) and mini-series style real-life dramas (Serial).
I’ve found a greater affinity for the medium since launching my own podcast. When I was assigned a story as a journalist and needed to interview someone, I knew the general direction of the story and adhered to strict time limits. Hosting a podcast and interviewing people with fascinating stories feels like coloring outside the lines. There isn’t a time limit. The conversation can go from one topic to another as long as it’s interesting, and I would argue - either helpful or entertaining. Otherwise, why should people spend time listening?
Devices and apps have a search function so you can either search for a podcast by name, topic or person who interests you. Here are some resources if you need help getting started:
Click here for a beginner’s guide to podcasts.
Click here to learn how to listen to a podcast on your Apple device.
Click here to learn how to listen to podcasts on your Android device.
There are also apps that curate and have options to make your podcast listening experience more enjoyable. Welcome to the wonderful world of podcasts! Happy listening!