Ep. 10 Roshini Rajkumar: From Grieving Daughter to Redefining Family


Business owner and C-Suite Strategic Communication and Crisis Coach Roshini Rajkumar’s Flip Your Script story comes from the grief of losing not one but two fathers. Roshini lost her father when she was just 11 years old, and her stepfather unexpectedly passed away in 2018. The loss in her life challenged her to evolve as a woman, wife and “mom-friend” (Roshini prefers this to stepmother) to her “daughter-friends.” In an honest and emotional conversation, the Minneapolis radio host shares how her journey through grief helped her redefine the family unit and the integral role communication plays in flipping your script.


Ralph Waldo Emerson, the transcendentalist, has always really spoken to me. His words are in essence about the power of the individual, and it’s okay sometimes if you’re different or a nonconformist. There actually could be some fun and some power and some real productivity in being unique.
— Roshini Rajkumar

Ep. 11 Timi Ogundipe: From Criminal to Victim to Entrepreneur


Ep. 9 Angela Kennecke: From a Child’s Addiction to Hope & Healing