Ep. 30 Skip Rohde: From Sailing Navy Ships to Entering the Smithsonian Art Archives

As a young child, Skip Rohde always had a passion for art and using his creativity. He wanted to make a career of it but opted to enlist in the Navy and serve 22 years until retiring with his wife to Asheville, NC. Throughout his years in the military, Skip never gave up his interest in art and always found time to take night classes or attend events to grow and strengthen his skills. After his career in the Navy ran its course, Skip went back to school studying the arts. As he grew into his new career as an artist, he learned the important difference between creating art that produces income and creating art that he truly wanted to make. A few years later, the call of civic duty couldn’t keep Skip away as he went overseas as a civilian with the state department to serve in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. During his meetings, Skip would sketch the people and offer his work to them before leaving in what he likes to call “diplomacy through art.” The artwork he created while visiting these countries has been accepted into the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History and is now archived forever. Skip always wanted to be a part of something bigger than himself, and both the military and his artwork allowed him to do so. Flip Your Script host Kristi Piehl and Skip discuss the many twists and turns Skip’s story takes and how finding courage and self-confidence can give you the strength to turn the page and pursue your dreams.
“What is it you really want to do?”