Ep. 29 Finding Motivation: From Loss in 2020 to Hope in 2021

TIME Magazine declared 2020 the worst year ever. In a year of loss and grief, each of us learned lessons that will impact the rest of our lives. In this episode of Flip Your Script, host Kristi Piehl helps us look back so we can look forward with hope. This episode is dedicated to providing positivity and hope to kickstart the new year.
When we launched this podcast in the spring of 2020, we knew, now more than ever, people needed stories to help motivate and inspire. In each episode we’ve released, you hear from strong survivors and resilient overcomers. Everyone is capable of more than they think, and sometimes it takes the power of story to find inspiration.
At the end of each podcast, Kristi asks the guest, “Is there a quote or song that motivated you to flip your script?” and in this episode, we reflect on each guest’s response to this question.
Our hope is these quotes, and each episode of Flip Your Script, empower you to believe you are capable of more than you think, to discover motivation, to uncover inspiration and to find the strength to turn the page.
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“Do not go where the path may lead – go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”