Ep. 33 Tony Fleecs: From Newsroom Graphics to Comic Book Art

Flip Your Script host Kristi Piehl and Tony Fleecs go way back to the KELO newsroom in South Dakota. Tony’s first art job was creating on-screen graphics for their newscasts. After the broadcasts, Tony would stay and use the equipment to work on his real passion, comics. He was content where he was until new management deleted his work, giving him the push he needed to take a leap of faith into his comic art. Tony picked up, moved to L.A. and began honing his craft and picking up any job he could get. Tony has gone on to create art and draw iconic characters for My Little Pony, Star Wars and Rick and Morty. Now, Tony has written and is releasing his first comic book, “Stray Dogs,” illustrated by Trish Forstner. In this episode, Kristi and Tony discuss where the idea for his five-issue story, “Stray Dogs,” came from as well as the importance of following your passion, hustling for your next paycheck and evolving your dreams.
Follow Tony on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Check out tonyfleecs.com to see all of Tony’s work
To get your copy of Tony’s “Stray Dogs,” find your local comic shop here
Subscribe to and pre-order your copy of “Stray Dogs” here
Watch the Stray Dogs Trailer here
PHOTO CREDIT: Tony’s headshot courtesy Heidi Ryder
ART CREDIT: Tony Fleecs
“I just always think about the idea of leaps of faith. I’m not a man of faith myself, I’m not a religious person, but I believe in myself and what I’m trying to do to a certain extent and enough that I can go, ‘Well, what do I have to lose by making this next move?’...but all of it has always been a leap of faith. Do I believe in myself enough that I can take this flyer and see if it works? And that’s what I feel like has propelled me and taken me from one level to the next level, to the next level and hopefully continues to.”