Ep. 34 Janice Kaplan: From Accepting Status Quo to Reframing Your Mindset


What are you grateful for? We’re grateful to have sat down with the author of “The Gratitude Diaries” and “The Genius of Women,” Janice Kaplan, for this episode of Flip Your Script. Before becoming the guru of gratitude, Janice held several news media careers including, time spent as a TV Producer at Good Morning America and Editor-In-Chief at Parade magazine, where she grew it to be the most widely-read publication in America. After being asked to join a research project on gratitude, Janice penned her New York Times bestseller and inspired a new wave of gratefulness. In 2020, Janice released her book, “The Genius of Women,” shedding light on the brightest females who came before us, walk among us and challenges us to redefine who can be a genius. In this episode, host Kristi Piehl and Janice discuss how reframing your mindset can inspire you to flip your script.


Follow Janice on Twitter and Instagram

Check out Janice’s website for her latest projects here

Listen to Janice’s podcast, “The Gratitude Diaries,” here


Men are disturbed not by things, but by the views which they take of things.
— Epictetus
On the off-chance that you won’t live forever, maybe you should try being happy now.
— HBO TV series, “The Newsroom”

Ep. 35 Mike DelGuidice: From Playing Piano Bars to Playing with the Piano Man


Ep. 33 Tony Fleecs: From Newsroom Graphics to Comic Book Art