Ep. 71 LeAnn Steffl: From Foster Care to Finding Family


“You can’t choose your family” is a phrase thrown around by many people without much thought. LeAnn Steffl is living proof that family is so much more than what you’re born into. 

At the age of 13, LeAnn ran away from home. She left with nothing but the thought that life had to be better somewhere else. Without a single possession or cent to her name, LeAnn spent time in shelter homes until she ended up in a foster home where she found her family, by chance and choice. 

Many people are lucky enough to be born into beautiful situations where they’re surrounded by love, stability and a sense of security. But if your home life isn’t beautiful, LeAnn explains “the blood obligation is not an obligation” and it’s never too late to choose the people you keep in your life as family.

In this episode of Flip Your Script with Kristi Piehl, LeAnn openly talks about her childhood in foster care, the importance of safety and security for children and how one decision changed the trajectory of her life and left a blueprint of success for her children and future generations of her family to follow. 


For information on LeAnn's favorite nonprofit supporting the foster care community in Minnesota, click here.


She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future.
— Proverbs 31:25

O-o-h Child by The Five Stairsteps


Ep. 72 Patric Richardson: From Childhood Chore to Laundry Evangelist


Ep. 70 Annette McNamara: From Insecure Teen to Inspirational Impacter