Ep. 70 Annette McNamara: From Insecure Teen to Inspirational Impacter


Growing up, Annette McNamara struggled with body image. After years of constantly changing things about her body because she thought it would make her feel better, she realized it didn’t change how she felt on the inside. 

Today, Annette is an award-winning photographer with thousands of social media followers, but she would rather be known as an impacter than an influencer. She's making an impact through her nonprofit, Beautiful Strength.

Annette travels the country in a school bus she transformed into a one-of-a-kind photo studio, utilizing her photography talents to help celebrate the resilience of the human spirit. Along the way, she’s made incredible connections, helped raise money to buy someone a new wheelchair and even helped find a kidney donor!

In this episode of Flip Your Script with Kristi Piehl, Annette explains how she uses her passion for photography to encourage people to tell their stories, heal and celebrate and how she's made it her mission to help people across the country feel seen, heard, valued and loved. 

Topics of sexual assault, eating disorders, self-harm and trauma are mentioned in this episode. Listener discretion is advised.  


Connect with Beautiful Strength on Facebook and Instagram 

Follow the Beautiful Strength Bus on Instagram

Check out Annette’s organization, Beautiful Strength, here

Check out Annette’s photography website here

Learn more about Beautiful Strength: The Podcast here


Only those who dare to dream can make their dream come true.

Ep. 71 LeAnn Steffl: From Foster Care to Finding Family


Ep. 69 Amanda Jacobson: From Childhood Friends to Wine & Crime Podcast