Ep. 114 Bob Dahm: From Toxic Chemicals to Organic Lawn Care


Bob Dahm grew up on a farm in Iowa, witnessing first-hand how the heavy use of toxic agricultural chemicals was leading to health concerns. His dad, grandfather and many friends and family members died of cancer. In fact, the prostate cancer rate was much higher in his hometown compared to the national average, and Bob knew the chemicals had to be the culprit.

As a grounds manager at a children's psychiatric hospital, Bob watched as chemicals were applied to the playground where immunocompromised children played. He knew there had to be a safer way so he tried out several organic lawn care methods. With some time, the organic lawns began looking better than the chemically treated lawns. This inspired Bob to start his own organic lawn care business, Organic Bob, in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota.

Growing up on the farm, Bob learned how to love and respect the land thanks to his father who was a farmer and his mother who was a school teacher and soil conservation activist. In this episode of Flip Your Script with Kristi Piehl, Bob shares how his lessons from childhood led him to start an organic lawn care business.


Is there something really big that you might be afraid of, or that is overwhelming, that has impacted you? Is there something you can make better in a tangible or an emotional way?


Organic Bob’s Website, Facebook and Instagram

The Chemical Free Lawn by Warren Schultz on Amazon


Imagine your fears as a fire and walk through the hottest part at every opportunity.
— Unknown

Ep. 115 Chaz Sandifer: From Domestic Abuse Survivor to Health and Wellness CEO


Ep. 113 Desmond Blair: From Embracing Differences to Inspiring Others with Art