Ep. 142 Leonard Kim: From Nearly Homeless to Personal Branding Expert


Leonard Kim went from being on the verge of homelessness to one of the best writers of the Millennial generation and a nationally recognized public figure. He's been interviewed for his expertise by hundreds of media outlets, including publications like Inc. Magazine, Fortune and Fast Company.

In 2010, Leonard couldn’t pay his rent or electric bill and ended up moving in with his grandma. For months he was embarrassed by his situation and didn’t share what was going on. He learned to rely on the support of his family and friends to move forward.

Now, Leonard is the coauthor of the book, Ditch the Act: Reveal the Surprising Power of the Real You for Greater Success, which teaches the skills to build a personal brand that will set you apart from the competition. He has spoken on TED Talk stages and at national and international marketing conferences.

In this episode of Flip Your Script with Kristi Piehl, Leonard shares the importance of being honest about your hardships and how to accept and prepare for life's unknowns.


What's the next right step as you are evolving and in the process of knowing yourself?


Leonard Kim’s Website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok

Ditch the Act: Reveal the Surprising Power of the Real You for Greater Success on Amazon


No one is absolutely useless. You can always serve as a bad example.
— Jim Beaver

Ep. 143 Todd Tilghman: From Pastor to The Voice Champion


Ep. 141 Jim Owen: From Wall Street Executive to SuperAging Expert