Ep. 84 Oznur Demirhan: From Pandemic Hobby to Migrant Mumpreneur
When Oznur Demirhan and her husband left Turkey for a safer life in Australia, she never dreamed of starting her own business. After living in Australia for two years, Oznur had her son Lennon. He is named after a John Lennon quote and is the inspiration for her macramé business, Lennon + me.
During the pandemic lockdown, their neighbors hung rainbows in their windows for others to find on their rainbow hunting walks. Instead of painting or drawing a rainbow, Oznur decided to make a handmade rainbow.
Oznur joined a group called Migrant Women in Business (MWiB), which is a national network that supports and advocates for migrant women entrepreneurs. MWiB has a project called Made By Many Hands where migrant women can start their own business and sell their homemade products.
In this episode of Flip Your Script with Kristi Piehl, Oznur shares how her small business started and the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone.